
Witness Your Soul Shine

Witness Your Soul Shine

In Mayan culture, particularly in those that still practice or hold the belief system of the ancient Mayans, they believe that the taking of photos is a way to capture your soul. As such, they strongly object to having their photos taken without their permission. I believe this as well and here is why.

When you look at photos in magazines or newspapers or online, the first place you look is the eyes. This is a studied proven fact. The reason we do this is because the eyes are the windows into your soul. They reflect emotion more than any other part of your body. When we look at photographs, or paintings or watch movies, or have conversations with loved ones, we look to the eyes. This is how we connect our soul to theirs. It is so small and yet makes us so vulnerable. This is why men show up on doorsteps with flowers to say โ€œI love youโ€ or โ€œIโ€™m sorryโ€. Itโ€™s not just the flowers, itโ€™s the eye contact. The thought is โ€œif she sees me sheโ€™ll see how much I love her.โ€ The flowers are not saying that. Itโ€™s the eyes. When we were kids and werenโ€™t listening to our mothers theyโ€™d say โ€œlook at me in my eyes and listen to my wordsโ€ฆ.โ€ We do this to connect, to make sure our message was heard.

As adults we are given so many ways to connect with each other and yet how often do we make eye contact on a daily basis? We text, Facebook, talk on the phone, ride in cars, eat meals, walk down the streetโ€ฆ.we do all of these things without look at each other. Even in the spaces we are physically sharing with people we often are not looking at each other. Hell, often were not even talking to the person in the room. How many couples are communicating while they are cleaning, cooking dinner, changing diapers, cleaning the house? How does that count as communicating? I agree itโ€™s sharing information, maybe about your day, but thereโ€™s no connection. What is the point of communication and having 9 million ways to do it if we are not connecting?

Pay attention to the conversations you have with people, all the various different connections you make and then really notice, how many times you look at their eyes. When you tell someone you love them for the first time, or anytime, is it more powerful and meaningful over the phone, or when you are there in front of them looking into their eyes? Itโ€™s in front of them and the reason is because they are freely sharing their soul with you. This is a magic and a glorious gift that so many of us give and receive without even thinking about it.

Taking someoneโ€™s photo is the only art form that captures a personโ€™s soul in fraction of a secondโ€ฆ.and most often itโ€™s not the soul of the artist. Itโ€™s the only way to freeze a moment in time and hold it forever. That moment could be anything, a place, a feeling, an experience. It is the truest reflection of right now. When someone gives you permission to take their photograph, even if they havenโ€™t given you permission to share it with anyone, they have said it is okay for you to hold my soul.

Many of us take this for granted and this is why celebrities flip out about paparazzi. Itโ€™s not just because they arenโ€™t given private space to go to the store and buy tampons without being harassed, itโ€™s because they are being forced to give up a piece of their soul without their permission. It is equally the reason we look at the paparazzi picturesโ€ฆ.to see the soul of the artist we admire.

When I take your photo, I look at your eyes and I see the love and peace within your soul. I see the nerves, the insecurity, and the fear. Then I watch it transform into joy, excitement, confidence, and pure beauty. Itโ€™s bold and powerful and daring and rawโ€ฆ..and captivating. This happens with everyone I photograph, every time I photograph them. I love it and itโ€™s new and exciting to me every time. It makes me come alive and at the same time, I get to share my soul with you by looking at you while I take your picture.

And after all, isnโ€™t connecting with each other really the point?

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