
The Power of Makeup and Transformation: A Conversation with Tiffany

The Power of Makeup and Transformation: A Conversation with Tiffany

When you book a boudoir session with Jezebel VonZephyr, we want you to have a supportive, uplifting and fun experience. Some of the fun happens before you even step in front of our camera! Every package* includes personalized hair and makeup styling from our resident Hair and Makeup Artist, Tiffany. She is a creative force and one of the reasons why JVZ is a unique, empowering boudoir shoot experience. We sat down with her to chat about her experience and why you can trust her to help you show up in your photos as your best, most shining self! 

Tell us about your background!

Tiffany: I started in the beauty industry about 20 years ago. I began as a Mary Kay beauty consultant. I have experienced many different facets of the beauty industry including: freelance artistry for many different make-up lines, creative directing for fashion shows, editorial work, blogging, education and I am also a licensed esthetician. 


How did you get into doing hair and makeup? 

Tiffany: When I began as a Mary Kay consultant, I had no idea I would end up here. I thought I would be a career consultant and that was that. It didn’t take long for my clients to ask if I could do their make-up for a special occasion or do their daughter’s make-up for prom and such. The hair piece came after I started working at my first boudoir studio. They needed me to do both, so I learned.


How long have you been doing hair and makeup?

Tiffany: I can finally officially say: 20 years this year. It’s really strange to say that…


Question: What is your goal when you’re styling someone’s hair and makeup for a JVZ session?

Tiffany: My goal is always to show them a more enhanced version of themselves. When you are dealing with this level of vulnerability, it’s never about my artistry. I appreciate when someone says, “ I trust you – do what you want.” But I still ask questions to help me translate the best version of them on camera. I want women to see the possibilities – the other versions of themselves that may have been lost or forgotten about.

How do you help someone who’s nervous about wearing a lot of makeup for their session? 

Tiffany: I think, generally, women that are coming in know they have to wear some level of make-up. It’s not a secret. In their initial Style Consultation, we ask how much they wear on a daily basis and if they have any inspiration for what they want. I don’t think it’s necessarily nerves that happen as they tell me, “I don’t want to look like a clown.” To which then I reply, “ yes, I don’t want that either.” Some women come with terrible makeup experiences and I feel like it’s a little challenge for me to say “see! this isn’t terrible! And you look great!”


What would you say to someone who is about to do a session and doesn’t wear a lot of makeup in her daily life?

Tiffany: I don’t put much more on than most do in their regular life. (With the exception of those that don’t wear any.) I always tell them that it’s not how much they will be wearing but how I apply it. If they really don’t know specifically what they want as far as a look goes, I usually ask how they want their make-up to feel – how they want it to translate on camera. Fun, flirty, sexy, sultry are all descriptions I can pull a lot of information from.


Will you force a woman to wear something she doesn’t want to wear, like red lipstick or blue eyeshadow?

Tiffany: Force? No. Suggest she try it? Yes. There is some method to my madness and I always encourage someone to try something before they say no. Generally, I can get a feel for if someone isn’t going to like something far before I meet them, so this situation almost never comes up.

What is your favorite part of the hair and makeup process? 

Tiffany: The power of the transformation. The moment a woman looks into the mirror and sees the possibility of herself – maybe she is reintroduced to a part of herself she hasn’t seen in a while.


Does it matter if someone has blemishes, scars or wrinkles?

Tiffany: No. Not at all, I’ve seen it all and am prepared to work with whoever sits in my chair and whatever she brings to the studio.


Could a woman do a shoot and not have any makeup done? Why or why not? 

Tiffany: No. I will always add some level of make-up. The tricky part about photography is that while our lighting hides things, it also accentuates things. And makes things disappear. I can (and have many times) applied the “no make-up, make-up look” which really just ensures that the skin is even and we contour eyes lips and cheeks so we don’t end up losing those features in a photo.

Will you hide someone’s double chin?

Tiffany: No. Women know what their bodies look like and hiding something they see every day isn’t going to help her see herself as whole. If it’s a true concern, we usually minimize the double chin with posing.


What advice would you give to a woman who’s never had her makeup done professionally and is nervous about the process?

Tiffany: Be clear about what you do and do not want. Communication is key. Pinterest is a great source of inspiration. If you are not a make-up wearer and are nervous about the process, get clear on what it is you want. Describing to me how you want your make-u to feel vs. that you want to look like Beyonce will produce much better results. It’s also just make-up – it comes off. It’s not permanent. So really, with that, there is nothing to be nervous about. 


We know that doing a boudoir session can be nerve-wracking and stressful. With the help of Tiffany and the rest of the Jezebel VonZephyr team, we can help to make sure you feel supported and empowered from the moment you sit down in her makeup chair to the moment you see your photos at your reveal. With Tiffany’s expertise and makeup magic, she’ll have you looking and feeling your best before a single photo is snapped! You deserve to see yourself in a new light. You deserve to be pampered. Book your boudoir session today and then countdown the days until you can experience Tiffany’s magic for yourself!


*Note: all session packages come with hair and makeup styling by Tiffany, except for our Mini Session. That comes with makeup application only. Hair and makeup is also not included in family sessions. 

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