
Client Feature Friday: Rediscovering Her Sassy Self!

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Client Feature Friday: Rediscovering Her Sassy Self!

Jezebel VonZephyr works with all kinds of women, from the suburbs of Seattle to all over the Pacific Northwest and beyond. We love connecting with each client, hearing her stories and capturing her unique spirit. We believe that every session is special in its own way, and we want to share that magic with the world. Every Friday we feature one of our clients and share a little about her. 


Today we’re proud to feature a client who we’ve had the honor of seeing grow before us. She came to the Jezebel VonZephyr studio looking to find her sassy self once again after a dark time in her life. She was hoping to find her light through a Jezebel session. She never would have predicted that her decision to come to our studio would be so life-changing. Let’s hear more from this wonderful woman!

Age: 40!


Where are you from? I was born in La Union, El Salvador but have been an Everett, WA girl since I was 5 years old.


What is your theme song? That changes with my mood and the seasons of life. But I can always count on my Latin music to bring my spirits up and get me moving and feeling the beat!


What are three words you’d use to describe yourself? Big hearted, sassy and feisty!


Is this your first Jezebel shoot? If not, how many have you had? No. I’ve done 2 personal shoots and 2 family shoots.

Why did you decide to book a session with JVZ? I found Jezebel VonZephyr during a rough, dark and painful part of my life. I lost my son and with him I recognized I lost myself. I looked in the mirror and saw the pain and sadness but at the same time I missed me. I missed my sassy, sexy self. My confidence in my step. That look and feeling of strength.


I am a lover of photography and when I read what JVZ stood for I knew I had to do it for ME. To see myself through someone else’s eyes and to remind of the girl I was missing, that I once knew.



How did you feel before your shoot? Nervous as all get out, but also excited!


How was your session? What was your favorite part? My first session was great and my second session was fantastic! My favorite part was remembering the nerves and uncertainty of my first session and recognizing the difference going into my second – I was excited, I was giddy and I was 40!!

What was your favorite look from your session? Why? From my first session my favorite was a shot of me laying on the chaise lounge in the old studio and all the light shining through while my booty popped and the light blended with the soft pastel tones of my outfit. I saw that shot and I smiled and thought to myself – there she is!


From my second session, that’s a really tough choice… I’d say my favorite shots are the ones with my wedding dress and veil and getting the pictures I should have the first time around. I also really loved my birthday celebration shots and just the joy I felt, the fun I had and the confidence that was there from doing the work.

How are you feeling since your session? Wonderful! Since the first session it’s been a journey of growth, learning self love, self acceptance and becoming part of a community of badass women who love fiercely and support unconditionally.

Did you bring anything special with you to the studio? Why? Yes, several things actually. The first time it was clothes that I liked because I honestly didn’t know what to expect. The second time I was wholeheartedly excited and went all out. Decorations for my 40th birthday, champagne, cake, things for my love of Disney and my wedding dress, to name a few.


How was your reveal? Emotional! But in a good way, of course. I bring my husband to my reveals because having him experience the images with me for the first time is pretty damn awesome. It’s already hard for me to choose my favorites and he’s not very helpful when he just wants them all! LOL!

Any advice for anyone thinking of booking a session with JVZ? Yes! Just do it! Rip off the band-aid! Stop waiting to drop a few pounds. Stop saying “as soon as ____”, or “maybe once I _____”.


It’s okay to be nervous, it’s okay to be scared, it’s okay to not be sure – do it anyway because if you spend your time waiting for that “thing” you just might never do it. You may think “yeah, easier said than done”. I know this, because it was me too but once I did it, saying “it was totally worth it”, is an understatement!

Anything else you want to share about your session and/or experience? Jezebel VonZephyr is more than just a photoshoot. It starts with three awesome women who will open the door to so many things just by being who they genuinely are. They are real women like you and me, who have done the work and want to help other women do it too.


You become a part of something bigger, something grand and I can promise you it’s a journey.


And if you choose to take this journey it will only lead to discovering amazing things about yourself where the result is – FREEDOM!

Have you been waiting for the perfect moment to book your session? Take this Belle’s advice as a sign that you should take the leap and schedule your shoot! The perfect time to do your session is NOW!! You deserve to rediscover the pieces of you that you’ve lost. You deserve to see yourself through our lens of love. We can’t wait to see you shine!

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