
Client Feature Friday: Life, Wisdom and the Pursuit of Play

Client Feature Friday: Life, Wisdom and the Pursuit of Play

Jezebel VonZephyr loves to shine a spotlight on womxn of every age and size. We live to connect with each client; and we pride ourselves on holding space for each of them so we can hear their stories and capture their unique spirit. We believe that every session is special in its own way, and we want to share that magic with the world. On Fridays we shine a spotlight on a client so they can share a part of their story.

Welcome back babes! This week we’re sitting down with a self-appointed quirky and curious soul, who shares her insights into how powerful letting all aspects of ourselves out to play can be! Oftentimes, we come away from the experience not only with a greater sense of happiness and self-worth, but with love for ourselves that spills out into our every day life. 

Age (only if you want to disclose it):


Where are you from? 

A born and bred Jersey girl transplanted to the PNW for over 20 years now.

What is your theme song? 

It varies depending on the situation and my mood, but it always rocks!

What are three words you’d use to describe yourself? 

Quirky, Curious and Devoted!

Is this your first Jezebel shoot? If not how many have you had? 

Yes, this was my first shoot.

Why did you decide to book a session with JVZ? 

I discovered the studio on a wine walk, and was immediately attracted to the drama and romance of the studio and the photo settings. When I discovered that I could put a similarly glamorous version of myself into those scenarios I was hooked.

How did you feel before your shoot? 

I felt fine about the idea of my shoot initially, but as the actual date drew near, I found my nerves started getting frayed and a good deal of self-doubt crept in. The critical self-talk became much louder in my head – especially “act your age.”

How was your session? What was your favorite part? 

The actual session was amazing! Any tension and fear I felt instantly melted away as I was ushered into a chair for hair and makeup in an exquisitely appointed dressing room. Remember the joy of playing dress up as a child? It’s all that fun with a delicious twist. Chatting away all through the shoot with my favorite music playing as a soundtrack in the background instantly wiped away all the worries about what the results would look like and allowed me to enjoy being in the moment. 

What was your favorite look from your session? Why?

I can’t choose a favorite look. The outfits I brought each evoked a different feel and touched an aspect of myself that lives quite vividly in my imagination. 

How are you feeling since your session? 

How I’m feeling since the shoot: the word that describes how I feel after looking at my photos is “powerful.” All those fantasy versions of myself that each outfit portrayed start to seep out of my imagination and into the real world. When societal constraints tell me I’m not good enough, pretty enough or too old to do (insert action here), the playful witch, art deco star, contortionist and rock star say NO – I CAN DO THIS!

Did you bring anything special with you to the studio? Why? 

I didn’t bring anything special. But did notice a theme to the outfits I chose the night before and brought a few fun cards, books and trinkets that just enhanced the feel and ended up magnifying the fun!
How was your reveal? 
My reveal was crazy fun! I chose to have my husband with me and again, some nerves crept in but much less so than before the shoot. As the slideshow started, I smiled as I realized the song chosen to accompany the images was one I’d been listening to all morning and fit the images perfectly!
On the practical side, choosing images from the gallery and ordering any package items couldn’t be easier. 

Any advice for anyone thinking of booking a session with JVZ? 

My advice to anyone considering booking a session is to quiet your inner critic and do this! I honestly believe everyone should do this at least once in their lifetime – perhaps more than once as you move through all of life’s stages. We all have that idealized fantasy version of ourselves locked inside our minds. Doing this photo shoot allows you to let that goddess out into the world. I can’t say enough about how empowering it is for me to realize that the glamorous girl in the picture is me. When life tells me I am not, I can smile because I know I am… and now I know where to find her!

Anything else you’d like to share? 

That should about do it!!! Feel free to do as you wish with any of this! I’m looking forward to seeing my items. The slideshow is great fun, but I’m a tactile gal! 

This client’s story really shows how magical a boudoir photoshoot can be in boosting body positivity and embracing who you truly are. Her photo session with JVZ took all the glamour and fun she remembers in dressing up as a child and topped it with a delicious twist of fun!

If you’ve been dealing with poor body image, want to boost your confidence, or just want to capture your own unique story, a boudoir shoot could be exactly what you need. Feeling inspired by this client’s experience? Why not book a session for yourself? It’s a chance to see yourself in a new light and unlock a whole new level of empowerment. Go for it—your future self will thank you!

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