
Four Wickedly Wonderful Ways to Celebrate the Season of the Witch

Season of the Witch Empowered Full Moon Celebrate Wickedly Wonderful Tips Body Positive Boudoir Witchy Confident

Four Wickedly Wonderful Ways to Celebrate the Season of the Witch

It’s the most magical time of the year! As the days get shorter and the breezes get chillier, the Jezebel team turns inward and looks forward to October. While we miss the long summer days, we love celebrating fall, Halloween and this time of year that we fondly call the Season of the Witch. 

What exactly is the Season of the Witch? It means different things to different people. It’s technically a whimsical and magical term for the early part of autumn. But here at Jezebel VonZephyr we like to think of the Season of the Witch as a way of thinking or a way to live.


The Season of the Witch is permission to live life on your own terms. It’s realizing your power. It’s unapologetically existing and celebrating yourself just as you are. The Season of the Witch is a time for you to harness your magic and shine in whatever way or ways feels authentic to you!


Want to celebrate with us? Here are four different things you can do to celebrate your own personal Season of the Witch!

Wear Whatever the Fuck You Want


What have you always wanted to wear but were too nervous to do so? Darling, now is the time to wear that–whatever it is!


Perhaps it’s a long gown and tiara. It could be a cozy cardigan and fun hat. Maybe it’s bright red (or black!) lipstick. It might be a bright pair of leggings. (Jezebel blogger Krissy had to work her way up to those, but now she has zero regrets–and lots of fun spooky soft pants!)


However you yearn to express yourself, now is the time to fucking go for it!

Express Yourself Authentically


Yes, wearing what you want is a part of this. But we want you to take it farther than that. If you’re feeling called to create something in some way, now is a fantastic time to do so! Anything goes!


Make a collage from found paper products! Color outside the lines! Sing your heart out at karaoke!


Knit that cowl with the yarn you’ve been saving! Write that short story or poem! 


If you’ve been looking for permission to express yourself or try a new craft or hobby: this is it!

Dance Naked Under the Full Moon


We know that this suggestion may lose some of you. We get it–this won’t be for everyone! But…maybe consider doing something to celebrate the beautiful, awe-inspiring lunar gift? The next full moon is on Sunday, October 9th, so you have some time to consider how to celebrate it.


Maybe it means dancing naked beneath it. Or perhaps dressing up and gazing at it while reflecting on what goals you have for the next cycle. Hell you could even howl at it! Whatever feels good and right to you, celebrate the full moon. 

Invest in Yourself


This is another tip that you can take in whatever way you’d like. Jezebel VonZephyr advocates for holistic, deep self-care, meaning that we want you to take care of you in all ways that feel authentic and right for you. 


It means taking time just for you, however that looks. 


You deserve to invest in yourself and give yourself time, permission, and energy to do the things that light you up.


It also means doing the hard things, like taking care of that appointment you’ve been putting off. 


And, it could also mean saving to invest in something meaningful to you–like a JVZ session or that tattoo you’ve been wanting for years.

The Season of the Witch is a time for you to ask yourself what you want and where you want to go. It’s a magical time of year that you can use to forge a deeper relationship with yourself and your body. Taking small steps (like booking your boudoir session perhaps?) to celebrate yourself this enchanting season could help you learn new things about yourself. 


So think about what YOU want. And who you want to become.Then make some goals and take some steps towards getting there. Dream unapologetically and unabashedly. Then harness your unique magic to make it happen! If you need a push, the Jezebel team is here to help you! And together we know we can help you make magic and celebrate yourself! 

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