
Client Feature Friday: Frills & Floggers!

Client Feature Friday: Frills & Floggers!

Jezebel VonZephyr loves to shine a spotlight on womxn of every age and size. We live to connect with each client; and we pride ourselves on holding space for each of them so we can hear their stories and capture their unique spirit. We believe that every session is special in its own way, and we want to share that magic with the world. On Fridays we shine a spotlight on a client so they can share a part of their story.

Today we’re talking to a San Diego native, who found Jezebel through our Facebook group and immediately felt comfortable. Get to know this mother, wife and fellow geek as she tells all about how she found her inner GODDESS!

Age (only if you want to disclose it): 37

Where are you from? 

Originally? San Diego. Where do I live? Auburn. But I spent every summer since I was 5 in Washington with my Grandparents and it always felt more like home.

What is your theme song? 


What are three words you’d use to describe yourself? 

Caring, Dedicated, Determined <- My husband would say stubborn. Toe-may-toe, Toe-mah-toe. 

Is this your first Jezebel shoot? If not how many have you had? 


How are you feeling since your session? 

About my photos? I love them! I have my top 20 saved in an album in my phone so I can look at them when I need a reminder of what a Goddess I am. About my body? It’s a mixed bag. Some days I look in the mirror and feel as beautiful as I do when I look at my pictures. Other days, I nitpick at myself because I’m not good at shutting out my inner mean girl. But if artists depict Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and beauty, as a woman with curves, creases, and rolls, then it’s okay if I have them too! Overall? Stressed, but my toddler has been sick (which has been both physically and emotionally taxing, IYKYK), I’m a nurse, my husband is active duty preparing for retirement, and we’re trying to plan and coordinate a cross-country move so it’s understandable. 

Did you bring anything special with you to the studio? Why? 

I brought a pleather outfit with my Hot Topic hooker boots (shout out to high school me for buying ones with laces so they can expand with my calves), my feather tickler, leather cuffs, and leather flogger (these last 3 are a part of my ren faire outfit). To be completely honest, my husband has a fantasy. I’m trying to fill it but I didn’t feel comfortable in the pleather part of the outfit despite liking how it looks on a hanger (again shout out to Sara for figuring out why and ways around it). Without feeling comfortable, I couldn’t feel sexy, and this outfit and the fantasy demand sexiness and confidence. I figured if there was any way I was going to get comfortable and learn to feel sexy in it, this was it. Plus, the ren faire accessories were a subtle nod to our geekiness in addition to going with the theme.

How was your reveal? 

It was honestly more than I could have hoped for. I was in tears. There was soft, sex kitten, sassy, happy and just all of it. It helped me see my own beauty in the rawest form. Yeah my hair and makeup was done, but I was exposed physically and emotionally and it was beautiful. I’m crying just typing about it. 

Any advice for anyone thinking of booking a session with JVZ? 

Take a deep breath. Take the leap and do it! Still hesitating? Ask yourself why and BE HONEST! If it’s a body image issue, I promise the team does everything they can to bring your inner beauty to the surface. I was there. I struggle a lot, but legitimately, even though I’m a size 18/20 and have more weight than I feel comfortable with for several reasons, this experience and this team showed me that my size doesn’t matter and I’m beautiful. It’s a gift I can’t ever pay them enough money for.  

Anything else you’d like to share? 

Next time you’re struggling with your body image, big or small, remember that there will always be people (and media conglomerates) out there telling you that you should change everything about yourself. Every body is beautiful. Need more convincing? Speaking from a scientific perspective, different skin tones, eye colors, bone densities, and even muscle and fat compositions have evolved over the entire length of time humans have been on Earth to help us adapt and thrive in different environments. Your body is beautiful as is because it was made to help you survive! And those stretch marks? Tiger stripes! Whether they are from pregnancy or growth spurts, they are proof that your body was made to adapt to your needs, even if those needs change. 

This client’s story shows how her boudoir shoot allowed her to find and nurture her inner Goddess. These invaluable and powerful experiences create a positive and welcoming space for you to discover and nourish a relationship with your own beautiful self.

If you’ve been dealing with poor body image, want to boost your confidence, or just want to capture your own unique story, a boudoir shoot could be exactly what you need. Feeling inspired by this client’s experience? Why not book a session for yourself? It’s a chance to see yourself in a new light and unlock a whole new level of empowerment. Go for it—your future self will thank you!

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