

Coming back to the studio in the midst of Covid-19 is going to be different. We have always taken your safety seriously. In the face of the pandemic, we are even more committed to giving you the safest, most sanitary, and empowering experience possible. ...

Hello Community, We have done everything we possibly can to stay open and last night as I watched yet another video from Italy about the massive spread of this COVID19 virus I knew it was only a matter of time. This morning our Governor announced all...

The news just came in that Emerald City Comicon has officially been rescheduled for Summer 2020 due to concerns over the coronavirus. We are all healthy here and going through the needed steps to maintain sanitation at the studio. As always, studio garments are washed...

Good Morning and Happy Thursday! We are on the tail end of winter and the cold and flu season, but Corona virus wasn't informed and is carrying on, and on, and on, and on....

Get ALL your digital images from ANY* past session for one low price on Sunday, March 1, 2020!ย  From midnight on Sunday, March 1, 2020 till 11:59pm the same day you can purchase ALL the images from any session that is older than March 1, 2019...

Are you looking for an opportunity to grow beyond your comfort zone? Do you want to be a part of a blossoming community and make new friends? Is one of your life goals to empower and inspire women? If you answered yes to any of...

I wasn't going to address this because well-paying attention to stupid stuff somewhat justifies it as necessary discussion. However, THIS photo of Gaga being a rock goddess is what seems to be the topic of discussion this past week. Not because she's beautiful, or powerful,...

Halloween has just passed us by and I am seeing posts on FB and hearing chatter about the things we are all thankful for in preparation for Thanksgiving. I love that it's become part of the modern American tradition to note your gratitude for the...