Client Feature Friday: Fighting Fear and Feeling Like a Bad Bitch!
Anything else you want to share about your session and/or experience? I am so grateful to have had this experience...
Anything else you want to share about your session and/or experience? I am so grateful to have had this experience...
There are many ways you can find, grow and honor your unique magic and inner witch. ...
There is nothing more powerful than a woman realizing her own unique power and magic and truly owning it. It’s why we do what we do....
I've heard people say their JVZ experience was life-changing...
How was your reveal? It was lots of laughter and fun. And there was some disbelief that I could look that good!...
Any advice for anyone thinking of booking a session with JVZ? Yes! Just do it! Rip off the band-aid! Stop waiting to drop a few pounds...
How are you feeling since your session? Really good. The best part is yeah, these incredible photos...
Anything else you want to share with everyone? If you’re thinking at all about doing a boudoir shoot or you feel drawn to the JVZ studio, then you should 1000% DO A SHOOT. I wanted to do a boudoir session for years and held off...
How was your reveal? SO EMOTIONAL!!! I bawled the entire time. I couldn't breathe, and could hardly believe what I was seeing. Was that person on the screen REALLY me?...