
Happy International Women’s Day!

Happy International Women’s Day!

Woman with camera


I often am asked why I started Jezebel VonZephyr, what made me say “YES” to this idea. The truth is I am a fan of strong women. I always have been. I wanted to play a role in helping women find their voice, their power both mentally and physically. 

I want women to step into their bodies and OWN IT. 

I want women to learn that being angry is not the same as being strong. They are, in fact, VERY different. Anger is rooted in fear and driven by adrenaline. It’s fight or flight. Strength is a deep knowing. Strength is knowing when you can and when you should as well as when you can’t and you mustn’t. Power and strength are an inside job. We help build mental toughness by showing women the power that lives on their skin. 

Woman with cocktail

You cannot be strong and powerful if ANYONE insulting your body still brings you to your knees. We don’t teach you how to turn this off by becoming stone cold—we show you the truth: that your body is a temple of good and love and richness and deserves to be worshiped. So when some idiot reduces you to something so trivial as “fat” you have the tools to manage that. Maybe it’s walking away and maybe it’s saying the hard thing like “I’m a person. I have feelings. You’re trying to hurt me and I’m not going to let you. How dare you insult me.” 


I want women to see themselves as the goddesses they are. ❤️


I started Jezebel because I was raised to believe I could be anything. I could go anywhere and I could do anything. Despite that I witnessed women I deeply loved and cared for (both personally and in our culture) be told they weren’t good enough, strong enough, smart enough to sit at the table with men, do the same job or be paid the same wage. I’ve watched as men make laws about women’s bodies and control what we can do with our bodies without a doctor being consulted ever. 

I started Jezebel to give a voice to women. To reclaim our bodies as our own. To alllllll women. 

Even if those bodies were male at birth. We are very proud supporters of our trans women clients and always always always have their backs. We’ve photographed MANY members of the LGBTQ community and, in fact, are guided and coached by someone who is a member of this community. As cis, (mostly) straight, (mostly) white, women we KNOW we don’t have all the answers around what it means to be trans, or lesbian, or bisexual or non-binary. (Side note: I also deeply believe we all fall on the spectrum somewhere (maybe only a little) and have a hard time believing in anyone being 100% straight. Pleasure is fluid and ever changing and indifferent. It’s only the mind that makes boxes.) That said, we KNOW we have a lot to learn especially as language around gender continues to develop. AND WE ARE HERE FOR IT. 

Feminist woman

We are also here for women we don’t politically align with. And that’s okay too! Because your politics are none of our business, much like your religion, unless either of those things are hindering you from loving the body you’re in (or you’re using those things to pass judgement on us). We are not here to judge your moral compass – we are here to help you love your body, which should always be non-partisan. You do you.


Autumn leaves woman

We are a judgement free zone. Bring us your fat. Your wrinkles. Your stretch marks. Your crooked teeth. Your laugh lines. Bring us your scars, all of them. The ones from surgery and the ones you did to yourself. We’ve seen them all. Bring us your knobby knees and saggy arm wings and crooked toes. Bring your acne scars and your old bones and gray hair and large boobs. Bring us the story that stops you from living in your skin. Let your body be the novel it is. Give it a moment to tell you its story. Listen with full attention. Then love it with all you have.

Today until midnight, we are offering 20% off all sessions! When you book just make a note in the comments that says “IWD” for International Womens Day. 



Mermaid woman in tub

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