
Conversations & Transformation: An Opportunity to Love Yourself More in 2021

Conversations & Transformation: An Opportunity to Love Yourself More in 2021

If you’ve ever met anyone on the Jezebel VonZephyr team, you may have thought to yourself “damn! How does she have so much confidence? How can I feel that good?” If you’ve thought that, first of all: thank you! Secondly, we can tell you that it does not come easy. We have learned to wholly accept and love ourselves through time, effort and a lot of hard work. The journey to self-acceptance and self-love is challenging. But we come bearing good news: we are here to help! 

Jezebel VonZephyr believes that body love is a gift and it’s something we want every woman to experience. We also recognize that not everyone is at a place in their lives where they can fully love their bodies–this is natural and we completely understand! If we can help women shift from hating their bodies to feeling neutral about them then that is a major victory! This is why Jezebel VonZephyr exists: to teach women to have better relationships with their bodies and themselves. We teach, coach and preach this in every session. Hell, we do this in most (if not all) interactions we have with people in our lives! This is our mission in life: we want to help you break free from body shame. 

Body love does not happen if you eat the “right” foods or do the “right” workouts. Body love (and body neutrality first) comes from within. A better relationship with yourself happens in your mind, your soul and your heart. This is why we’ve created Conversations with Jezebel, a year-long program to empower women to look within, dig deep and shift their perspective, all in the name of accepting and loving herself in profound ways. 

We are looking for women who want to have a better relationship with their body–those who may not love themselves fully but are willing to do the work to get to a body neutral or body positive place in their lives. We’re excited to help those who understand that body love takes time in order for lasting change to occur–it is not something that will magically happen overnight. It is a slow shift that unfolds and transforms you over time. 

So what exactly is Conversations with Jezebel? It’s a program that will tackle different topics of body acceptance and love each month. The intent is to create a virtual community where a topic is explored in-depth each month through connections, conversation, video posts from the JVZ team and soul-work: reflective exercises to help you ask yourself the hard questions and begin to grow. It will start in February and go through November, with a mandatory Zoom discussion at the end of each month. 

What will be covered in Conversations with Jezebel? Only the juiciest of topics will be broached! We’ve been coaching and helping women forge better relationships with their bodies for over five years. We created Conversations because our deepest desire is to help pave the path to body positive and deeper self-love for all women. The subjects we’ll dive into were curated specifically for these reasons; each month will have a different focus! 

  • February: Telling Your Story
  • March: Self love/Acceptance & Diet Culture 
  • April: Mean Girl: Who Is She, Why Is She Here?
  • May: Body Shame 
  • June: Challenging Norms & Body Changes 
  • July: Finding Your Body 
  • August: Bikini Challenge/Tummy challenge (possible “Unwritten” event)
  • September: Reclaiming Your Body 
  • October: Rewriting Stories 
  • November: Making Shifts/Putting It All Together

The content of Conversations with Jezebel builds on what was explored the month prior. So while participants can opt to dip in and out of the program, our hope is that once you join, you’ll stay in for all months–otherwise you may feel a little lost returning after a month or two away. Conversations is a community, so we want women to feel safe to explore their thoughts, grow and stick around to help and support one another. 

Do I need to live near Snohomish to participate in this? Not at all! The great thing about this program is that you can live anywhere! As long as you have internet access and can make the mandatory monthly Zoom meeting dates, you are welcome to join! 

What all is included in Conversations with Jezebel? This program is intentionally designed to help you form a deeper, more meaningful relationship with yourself and your body. To help you do that, you’ll get coaching from Sara and Tiffany, who have collectively been helping women to do this work for over 15 years. They’ve designed soul work (reflective exercises and challenges) to help you reflect and bust through blockages that are keeping you from accepting and loving yourself. You’ll have access to a private Facebook group, where you can chat with the JVZ team and other members of the Conversations community. You’ll get a built-in support system in the form of the Jezebel team and the other women who are on the same self-love journey that you are. As a part of that support, you’ll have the ability to reach out and talk with Sara and Tiffany as much as you want. They understand how challenging the process of self-acceptance and love is, so they will be there to help you process as often as needed! And once you attend six monthly sessions you will receive a $150 gift certificate to use towards a Jezebel VonZephyr session! 

This sounds like an amazing opportunity! How do I join? Hurray! We’re so excited to create this community for women. Please email us at admin@jezebelvonzephyr.com to let us know you’d like to be a part of this unique opportunity. You’ll be billed $25 a month, with payments due by the end of the month. (Think of it as a self-love subscription!) Payments must be processed by January 31st and we can only allow 20 women to be a part of this community, so make sure you contact us quickly if you’d like to be a part of the Conversations with Jezebel community. 

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