
Support, Sisterhood & Solidarity

Support Solidarity Sisterhood Women Fight Back Strong Woman Powerful Witchy Woman

Support, Sisterhood & Solidarity

It’s been…a week, hasn’t it? We don’t know about you, but the women of Jezebel VonZephyr are mad as hell. With the news of Roe v. Wade potentially being overturned, we’re angry and we’re fired up as fuck, ready to fight for our rights. We unequivocally and unapologetically believe in a person’s right to choose what is right for their body. Jezebel VonZephyr believes in the power of sisterhood and standing together to fight for what is right. We stand with everyone who has a uterus and is afraid, scared, and/or angry right now.

We reject the messages that we’ve been told our entire lives about our worth, our bodies, and our roles.

We are ready for this moment. Because we’re 1000% over the fuckery. 

We stand on the shoulders of our powerful ancestors who came before us. 

We are unapologetic.

We will not back down. 

We will not be silent. 

We are not fucking around. 

We are ready to dismantle the systems that oppress us. 

We claim our power. And help our sisters to realize their own. 

So try to underestimate us. See how well that works for you. 



Because together we will rise. 

If you’re angry and want to fight back, we have some ways you can help. We’re proud supporters of Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and the National Network of Abortion Funds, which are organizations that could use donations now more than ever. We also support the Mother’s Day Strike, where there are a number of different actions you could take between May 8th and May 15th to take a stand. And there is true power in numbers, so if you are able, please march in the Bans Off Our Body rally on May 14th. Anything you can do matters right here, right now. Join us in fighting back. 

  • Jody Bickle
    Posted at 01:18h, 07 May

    YES!!!!! Soo much YES!!

  • Sara James Williams
    Posted at 04:06h, 07 May

    Thank you!!!