
Client Feature Friday: Crowned in Her Glory

Client Feature Friday: Crowned in Her Glory

Jezebel VonZephyr loves to shine a spotlight on women of every age and size. We live to connect with each client; and we pride ourselves on holding space for each of them so we can hear her stories and capture her unique spirit. We believe that every session is special in its own way, and we want to share that magic with the world. On Fridays we shine a spotlight on a client so she can share a part of her story. 


Today we feature a Belle who’s done a couple of sessions with us. Funnily enough it was her second session that was more nerve-wracking for her! We get it–that’s all a part of the self-love journey!


Life shifts and changes and so do we, which means that sometimes the things that are supposed to feel familiar no longer do.


At JVZ we do our best to make every woman feel welcome, safe and comfortable so she can get reacquainted with herself and shine!


Let’s hear how things went for this beauty! 

Age: 53


Where are you from? I was born in Seattle and have lived many places in Washington, but I’ve called Tacoma home for many years of my adult life.


What is your theme song? Brick House! 🙂


What are three words you’d use to describe yourself? Stubborn. Strong. Intelligent.


Is this your first Jezebel shoot? If not, how many have you had? I have had two sessions.

Why did you decide to book a session with JVZ? For my first one I saw a Facebook post seeking Model Reps. (Note: Model Reps are now the Jezebel Brand Ambassadors.) I got accepted as a Rep and was SUPER excited! The second one, it was also because of an ambassador opportunity, but I was very ready for round two!



How did you feel before your shoot? I think I may have been more nervous the second time around. I was excited to see the new studio but so many things had happened in my life between the two sessions I wasn’t sure if I was ready.

How was your session? What was your favorite part? I LOVED my session. I got there, took a deep breath and felt much more comfortable than during my first one. My favorite part was falling in love with the bird crown/mask in my favorite photo! 


What was your favorite look from your session? Why? My favorite ones are the pictures with the bird skull crown/mask. It was so unexpected but the minute I put it on I felt much more “me”. 


I’d been working hard at trying to find myself again since the stupid cancer nonsense and it made me feel alive. 

How are you feeling since your session? It’s been a couple years now but I have two of my pictures framed on my dresser. They say “Hey! Remember!! You are this woman!” And there are days I really need to be reminded.

Did you bring anything special with you to the studio? Why? Nothing really special, just fun stuff like my sunglasses.



How was your reveal? Like most of us, absolutely FULL of every emotion.

Any advice for anyone thinking of booking a session with JVZ? This answer could be PAGES! Most importantly,  TRUST THESE WOMEN! They are truly there to help you find the beauty beyond all the flaws you insist on seeing everyday.


Your reveal could feel like there’s an outer shell you’ve programmed your mind to see, from many comments and emotions, external and internal. Then, suddenly, there’s a crack, after maybe the third picture.


And as you sit there and see each image of you, the TRUE YOU, flashes before you, the crack begins to break apart that shell. Suddenly, it crumbles and your heart is in your throat and you either whisper it, cry it, yell it or simply think it, …”That’s me?!? That’s ME!” 

Anything else you want to share about your session and/or experience? Don’t be me.


Don’t overthink it.


Let the ladies handle all the details and for ONCE, let go of control and follow directions. 🙂 

Are you looking for yourself?


Has life gotten in the way of making time for yourself and really seeing yourself for the glorious being that you are? It’s time to change that! Jezebel VonZephyr can help!


We’re booking sessions for late summer and early fall and would love to see you in our studio.


You deserve to reconnect with yourself. You deserve to crown yourself in your own unique and beautiful glory.


We can’t wait to place that crown on you and see you shine!

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