
What Happens At a Team Shoot…

What Happens At a Team Shoot…

Being a boudoir studio, people tend to think that our jobs are quite sexy and glamorous.


How could they not be? We get to dress women up in lovely lingerie and jewelry and make them feel absolutely amazing, sexy and loved!


We’re not going to lie: it’s a pretty great job! 


But it’s not all glitz and glamour. 

Every year, each member of the Jezebel VonZephyr team does something called a Team Shoot.


It’s an all-day marathon photo shoot where we get to experiment with looks, poses and sets.


It’s a lot of fun, but it’s also work.

We do these in part to help remind us of the Jezebel experience.


We ask our amazing clients to get vulnerable with us, so we want to make sure we know what it feels like to step in front of the camera and feel that same set of emotions.

We also do Team Shoots to make sure we stay up to date on the best poses, practices, and sets for our clients.

(This is not a good pose, FYI.)

We’re constantly evolving and growing, so we do Team Shoots to help us serve women to the best of our ability. 


We want YOU to have an amazing time, so we do these sessions to help us level up. 


The sessions are a lot of fun!


They’re also…a lot overall.



So today we wanted to share some behind-the-scenes photos and outtakes to normalize the boudoir photo shoot process.


A Jezebel Team Session is not necessarily sexy, glitzy or glamorous. It’s silly, fun, hard work. 


(1000% over it after nearly seven hours.)

We love what we do and we feel incredibly grateful that we get to do this work.


We want every woman who steps into our studio to feel our passion, dedication and support, which is why we challenge ourselves to do Team Shoots.


The days can be long and we inevitably fight our inner Mean Girls at some point.


 But it is 1000% worth it in order to bring you the best experience you can have.

We hope you feel that when you have your own session.


We hope you come in and laugh, play and show your silly side.


What are you waiting for? 

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