
Client Feature Friday: Breaking Cycles and Telling New Stories

Client Feature Friday: Breaking Cycles and Telling New Stories

Jezebel VonZephyr loves to shine a spotlight on women of every age and size. We live to connect with each client; and we pride ourselves on holding space for each of them so we can hear her stories and capture her unique spirit. We believe that every session is special in its own way, and we want to share that magic with the world. On Fridays we shine a spotlight on a client so she can share a part of her story. 


Today we dive deeper into one Belle’s story! You may recognize her because she served as a Jezebel Brand Ambassador earlier this year. She was excited to share about how she’s broken cycles and started telling new stories about herself.  She’s done four sessions in a very short amount of time and has learned a lot about herself! Read on to see how her photo shoots have helped her break negative cycles and begin healing in many ways! 

Age: 42


How many sessions have you done? When was your first one? When was your most recent one? This was my fourth session–done in September 2022. My first session was in December 2021.


What was your relationship with yourself like before you did a JVZ session? What did you love about yourself prior to stepping into the studio? I thought I was happy and comfortable with myself and my body.


I loved getting my photos taken and thought I had worked through a lot of my body issues already so I didn’t really think this would be a life changing experience per se.


I loved my smile, my scars, and my active body.

How would you describe your experience with JVZ? I didn’t realize how much I needed JVZ! My original thoughts were that I was walking into another photo shoot. This wasn’t the first time I’ve had a photo shoot or even a boudoir shoot so I honestly didn’t think that much about it. But after my first session, I realized there was something different about JVZ.


Yes, I logically knew they were body positive and loved all body shapes and sizes, but my actual experience opened up new emotional responses I didn’t expect. 

Somehow through these few sessions and through my time of growth as a Brand Ambassador, my eyes have been opened up to how much I still need to process my own thoughts and perceptions of my body and myself.


I had already done so much work and yet there was still more to do. And these experiences have taught me that I will never be “done”!


I will always need to focus on loving myself first and then loving others.

If I can’t love myself how the hell can I accept anyone else saying they love me?


I will always do the work and always strive to rewrite the negative stories that have been fed to me my entire life.


It is a journey, a long journey, but with each step in this journey it gets a little easier to the next step and the step after that.


I will continue to blaze a trail not only for myself but for others! I want to pull them along with me so that they can also see how wonderful and amazing they are! It starts with me, but in the end it’s for everyone!


If we can all learn to love ourselves then we can love everyone else better, too, and allow them to love us back! And what a day that will be!

What was the most challenging thing about your first session? Most challenging… like I said I didn’t walk into my first session thinking anything more about it then that it was another photoshoot to have fun at. But if I had to pick something: it would’ve been not wanting to leave!


The minute I walked in that door, it felt like home.


Like I had known Sara and Tiffany all my life. Like I was the most important person! Like there was no one else in the world but me for them for the 3-4 hours I would be there. So, when it came time to leave, I just didn’t want to go!

Did anything change for you after you saw yourself through the Jezebel lens of love? See all of my above answers! LOL! 🤣


Seriously, I found a place to be seen and heard! I found a place where they wanted me to see how beautiful I was. I found a place where I could see my beauty with the way I was captured in those moments of fleeting time.


I found a place of body love! And I want everyone to experience that too!

Did you challenge any of your previously held beliefs about yourself, your body, self-love and/or self-care after your Jezebel experience?


What didn’t I challenge?


I say I love myself and my body, but my Jezebel experiences have really challenged me to ask myself do I really believe that?


Do I really love those flabby legs? Do I really love those love handles and my 3rd boob? Logically I say yes, but when I’m feeling most vulnerable what pops into my mind?


Positive thoughts? Heck no, it’s all the negative thoughts that try to help me protect myself, to armor myself up from being rejected by others. If I’m negative and mean to myself first then when others say it… it won’t hurt as bad, right? Because I already know the truth, right? Wrong! Absolutely wrong! 

Our survivor instincts tell us these falsehoods to guard us against hurt and shame, but in reality the other people we’re protecting ourselves are thinking some of the same thoughts about themselves and not about us!


Don’t let your survivor girl beat you down in some strategy to keep yourself from pain and hurt. Tell your survivor girl, you appreciate her trying to protect you, but buzz off because the people I surround myself with, love me! Love all of me! And they wouldn’t ever think those awful things about me so let’s stop telling ourselves these awful things! Let’s break the cycle together!

How did your relationship with your body change after your session? Seriously, my relationship with my body has changed for the positive. I now see those flabby legs and think about all the skiing and running I do with those legs now! So, yes, they are flabby, but they’re amazing!


The photos I feel most nervous about, I now share!


Those shorts I was afraid to wear in public, not anymore…I wear them if I want or need to! 


I’m not afraid of ridicule or shame any longer!

What does self-love mean to you? Has Jezebel helped you with how you define it? Self-Love is learning to love all the parts of you as they are and not trying to change them for the sake of someone else.


Self-love is growing and learning to take care of yourself first, otherwise you can’t take care of others.


Self-love is being aware of your negative inner voice and being willing and curious to acknowledge the thoughts and process them. Then when they are false yell right back at them that they are wrong!


Self-love means you love all of yourself and know that you can’t do this perfectly but you will continue to do your best at doing it anyhow. Yes, Jezebel has been a primary contributor in my journey of self-love and I owe them a metaphorical debt I could never pay!

What do you love most about yourself now that you’ve done at least one session and some processing? My playfulness! My beauty! My shining eyes and infectious smile!


How do you take care of yourself? Has your self-care changed at all since doing a JVZ shoot? I strive to be more aware of my inner voice so I can be safe in my own thoughts and feelings. I’m learning to better recognize when I need a break.


I’m learning to slow down before responding and answering others and think about what I need and want before I impulsively say yes to friends and family.


These changes are in part because of the work I’ve done at JVZ but also through other proactive personal investments, such as therapy and personal learnings.

How do you hope to continue growing and nurturing your relationship with yourself and your body moving forward? Awareness and curiosity will be my key strategies for continuing my growth. I also want to focus on prioritizing my needs as something equal to how I would prioritize my friends’ and/or family’s needs!

If you could go back and give past you any advice before your first session, what would you say to her? This will change your life! I know you don’t think so but be a little less skeptical and a little more open to letting the light and love in!


I still think my past self wouldn’t believe it even if my future self showed up in physical form to share this, but hey it would be worth the effort to try! 🥰

Anything else you would like to share about your journey and/or Jezebel experience(s)? I’ve already said so much! 😂


But I can truly say this: it’s worth every penny of investment for yourself!

Do you want to tell a new story about yourself? Do you want to break negative cycles and learn to love yourself more? Jezebel VonZephyr is here to help you on your new journey! Whatever session you choose you’ll be met with nothing but unconditional love and support.


We want to help you tell new stories and be the heroine you deserve in your own life. Will you tell a new story in 2023? Take the first step and book your session to start your new chapter. We cannot wait to see what story you’ll write!

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