15 Feb Three Badass Reasons to Be a Brand Ambassador!
Calling all clients! You’ve been waiting! You’ve been counting down! And now the moment has arrived…the JVZ Brand Ambassador application is open!
Cue the confetti!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
What is a Brand Ambassador? Darling, they are the face of our studio! BAs are a hand-selected group of womxn who whole-heartedly believe in the mission of Jezebel VonZephyr. Our Ambassadors are a valued extension of the JVZ team and help our studio and community grow through referrals. Our Brand Ambassadors are eager to grow and challenge themselves through the BA program and by sharing their unique stories.
This is not a sales, discount, or modeling program. The Jezebel Brand Ambassador opportunity is one that can shift and change your life if you let it.
Want to know more? Here are three badass reasons why you should consider applying to the Jezebel VonZephyr Brand Ambassador program!
You want to be a part of a strong, supportive community
The Jezebel VonZephyr community is something that we cherish and hold dear to our hearts. Our online Facebook group is a safe, supportive environment for womxn to connect with one another, learn about our boudoir sessions, and even take steps towards seeing themselves in a more loving light. And our client community is an extension of that.
As a Brand Ambassador you’ll play a key role in helping people to feel welcome, safe, and seen–online and in person. JVZ is all about empowering people to have positive, loving relationships with themselves and their bodies. If this is something that you value then you may be perfect for the Brand Ambassador role!
You are looking to grow and challenge yourself
At its heart, the Jezebel Brand Ambassador program is about looking inward, challenging your assumptions, and deepening your relationship with yourself. This is done through coaching, reflection, and a series of intentional exercises and meetings with the JVZ team and other members of the Brand Ambassador cohort.
This is not a simple self-help workshop. Being a Brand Ambassador means that you are committing to months of honest, reflective work that will help you to break down walls. You will meet a more authentic version of yourself by being a Brand Ambassador. But it will take a lot of work (and maybe some tears). This program is designed to help people shift their lives and level up. Are you ready for that kind of amazing opportunity?
You’re longing to shine your light
Do you remember that feeling you had after you did your first (or second or third) Jezebel session? Where you walked out of the studio feeling lit up? Loved up? Seen and supported? Did you feel like a different, more awakened version of yourself? Did you want to share that with others and help them feel the same way?
Lovely, that is why the Brand Ambassador program exists! We want to extend our lens of love to as many people as possible–our BAs help make our dream a reality! If you want to tell your story and empower others then the Brand Ambassador opportunity may be your chance to do so.
There is power in sharing our stories. How many people will you inspire with yours?
How do I apply?
If you find yourself nodding along and shouting “yes!!” to this post then, darling, you should apply! Here are some things you need to know about the Jezebel Brand Ambassador application and program.
- Applications are due by March 6th, 2023
- You must be a current Jezebel client and be 21 years or older
- You need to have had a session within the last two years (no older than January 2021) to be eligible to be a BA
- You must be available on the following dates: April 4th, April 11th, August 11th, December 2nd
All requirements and details about the Brand Ambassador program can be found on our website. Please be sure to read the page carefully before clicking over to the application.
The Jezebel team is so excited to welcome a new group of powerful womxn as our Brand Ambassadors this spring! We know that whoever they are, our new cohort of Brand Ambassadors are going to empower and inspire so many people. We cannot wait to see who they are–and how they will rock the world!
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