
13 Thoughtful Reasons to Give a JVZ Gift Card This Holiday Season

13 Thoughtful Reasons to Give a JVZ Gift Card This Holiday Season

Tis the season for giving gifts! And receiving gifts! And planning for gifts! 




We know, we know–it can be A LOT. Which is why we’re here today–Jezebel wants to help you with your list. Because we’re so helpful and kind! 


May we recommend a JVZ gift card for some of your gifting needs?


Why should you give a Jezebel gift card this year? We’re glad you asked! Here are 13 reasons why you should snag a few for people on your list. 

Why You Should Give One to a Friend


You love her and you want to give her only the best. Why not give her a gift card that she could use towards a Jezebel session? Here are some other reasons you should spoil your beloved friend(s) this season!


  • You want to give her a memorable and unique present
  • She deserves to have a fun (and epic!) self-care experience
  • You see how she brightly shines, but she doesn’t see it herself
  • She hasn’t had professional photos taken since she was a senior in high school

Why You Should Ask For One


Do your loved ones tell you that you’re picky or “hard to shop for”? Not anymore! Ask for a JVZ gift card! Here are some reasons you can use when you ask for the ultimate gift this season.


  • Your loved ones would literally be giving you the gift of self-love and self-acceptance by giving you a Jezebel gift card! 
  • You want to make life easy for your loved ones–a gift card just takes a few clicks and voila! Done! How thoughtful of you! 
  • You’re tired of getting socks and sweaters under the tree
  • Your partner is not a creative gift giver–a Jezebel gift card would be a fun AND spicy present!  
  • Santa deserves to hear some fun requests this year 

Why You Should Treat Yourself


Darling, you deserve to spoil yourself! Why not treat yourself to a Jezebel gift card? Need a reason or three? Here you go!


  • You’ve had a Jezebel session on your bucket list for a while! 
  • You know you’re a work of art–you can use this gift card to buy products that remind you just how gorgeous you are! 
  • You’ve survived a really hard year. Or! You’ve thrived this year! Either way you deserve to celebrate! 
  • A JVZ session is deep self-care that can help you deepen your relationship with yourself

Whatever reason, whatever season, a Jezebel gift card is the perfect gift to give yourself or someone that you love. They come in any amount (from $10 on up) and make a sweet, thoughtful and fun gift.


Want another reason to grab a gift card or two this month? If you purchase one by December 31, 2023 you’ll get an extra 24% on it! This is Jezebel’s way of thanking you for supporting our small business and giving you a little extra for the new year. So if you spend $100 on a gift card, you’ll get $124! We know you don’t need any more reasons to snap one up, but a little extra incentive never hurts, does it?


Why not make life a little easier on yourself? Treat yourself and some of your loved ones to a Jezebel gift card. Then see how your thoughtfulness positively impacts them in 2024 and beyond!

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