
The Liberating Journey of Solo Travel for Womxn

The Liberating Journey of Solo Travel for Womxn

At Jezebel VonZephyr, our mission is to empower and uplift each of you on your journey to authenticity. We believe that authenticity takes many forms, whether it’s carving out moments for self-care, letting go of outdated narratives, or embracing the courage to try new things. That’s why we’ve launched a weekly series dedicated to inspiring and educating our cherished community.

This week, we’ll talk about  solo travel. Traveling alone as a womxn isn’t just about seeing new places; it’s a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Every solo trip you embark on offers a unique chance to meet yourself in ways that might surprise you. It’s about throwing off societal expectations and embracing your own company, delighting in your own decisions, and learning to trust your instincts. Here’s why every womxn should consider solo travel, accompanied by some safety tips and resources to get you started on planning your adventure.

**A Celebration of Self-Reliance**

Solo travel puts you in the driver’s seat—quite literally in many cases! Making all the decisions from where to eat, what to see, and when to rest puts you in touch with your desires and discomforts. It builds confidence and resilience as you navigate new cities, languages, and cultures, relying solely on your wits and will.


**The Freedom to Self-Reflect**

Traveling alone provides you with precious time for self-reflection. Away from your daily routine and social obligations, you can truly listen to your own thoughts. Whether you’re sitting in a café in Paris or hiking through the mountains in Peru, the insights you gain while alone can reshape your views or life goals.


**Meaningful Connections**

Being solo doesn’t mean being lonely. On the contrary, solo travelers often find that they make more local friends and connect with other travelers more deeply because they’re more open and approachable. These interactions enrich the travel experience, offering different perspectives and stories that you might not encounter otherwise.

Safety Tips for Solo Womxn Travelers

While the benefits of solo travel are many, safety remains a primary concern. Here are some tips to help you stay safe on your solo adventures:

**Research Thoroughly**: Before you go, research your destination thoroughly. Understand the cultural norms, safe and unsafe neighborhoods, local scams, and how to handle emergencies. Apps like *TripAdvisor* and *Lonely Planet* provide valuable insights from other travelers.

 **Stay Connected**: Always let someone know your itinerary and check in regularly. Use travel apps like *WhatsApp* or *Find My Friends* to share your location with trusted people.

**Be Confident and Cautious**: Walk confidently and be aware of your surroundings. Avoid displaying expensive jewelry or gadgets and carry your belongings in a secure manner.

**Trust Your Instincts**: If a situation doesn’t feel right, trust your gut. Don’t worry about being polite—safety comes first. It’s okay to remove yourself from situations where you feel uncomfortable.

**Prepare for Emergencies**: Carry a basic first-aid kit, know basic phrases in the local language (especially for help and emergencies), and have backups of important documents like your passport and travel insurance.

Resources for Planning Solo Trips

Planning is crucial for a successful solo trip. Here are a couple of resources to help you get started:

 **Solo Traveler World**: This website offers tips, advice, and resources specifically for solo travelers. Their Solo Traveler Advisory of Deals emails can help you find exciting and safe travel deals.

**Tourlina**: This app is a womxn-only app that connects solo female travelers who have similar interests and travel plans. It’s great for finding travel buddies and getting advice on destinations.



Solo travel can be one of the most rewarding experiences. It teaches independence, gives you complete freedom over your choices, and offers an unparalleled opportunity to grow personally. So, if you’re yearning for adventure and self-growth, perhaps it’s time to book that solo trip. Not only could you discover new horizons, but you might just find new depths to yourself as well. Happy travels!

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