
Breaking Barriers: A Feminist Guide to Financial Empowerment for Womxn

Breaking Barriers: A Feminist Guide to Financial Empowerment for Womxn

At Jezebel VonZephyr, our mission is to empower and uplift each of you on your journey to authenticity. We believe that authenticity takes many forms, whether it’s carving out moments for self-care, letting go of outdated narratives, or embracing the courage to try new things. That’s why we’ve launched a weekly series dedicated to inspiring and educating our cherished community.

In a world where gender disparities still persist, financial planning stands as a crucial pillar of empowerment for womxn. As we navigate through various life stages, it’s imperative to adopt a proactive approach towards our finances, ensuring not just stability but also autonomy and freedom. So, whether you’re in your twenties or on the brink of retirement, here’s a feminist-leaning guide to financial planning tailored to every stage of a womxn’s life journey.

Ages 20-30: Laying the Foundation

In your twenties, the world feels both exciting and overwhelming. Amidst career beginnings and personal exploration, financial planning often takes a backseat. However, this is the perfect time to lay a solid foundation for your future.

Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn about budgeting, saving, and investing. Websites like Investopedia and The Financial Diet offer valuable resources tailored for young women starting their financial journey.

Build Emergency Fund: Start building an emergency fund that covers at least three to six months of living expenses. This safety net will provide peace of mind and protect you from unexpected financial setbacks.

Invest Wisely: Begin investing in low-cost index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Robo-advisors like Betterment or Wealthfront can help you get started with minimal fees and maximum convenience.

Ages 30-40: Navigating Career Growth and Family Planning

In your thirties, career growth and family planning often take center stage. Balancing these responsibilities while securing your financial future requires careful strategizing.

Maximize Retirement Contributions: Take advantage of employer-sponsored retirement plans like 401(k)s and contribute enough to receive the maximum employer match. Additionally, consider opening a Roth IRA for tax-free retirement withdrawals.

Protect Your Income: Invest in disability insurance to safeguard your income in case of unexpected illness or injury. Websites like Policygenius can help you compare quotes and find the right coverage for your needs.

Plan for Parenthood: If you’re planning to start a family, factor in the costs of childcare, healthcare, and education into your financial plan. Websites like BabyCenter and The Bump offer valuable resources for expecting parents.

Ages 40-50: Mid-Life Reflection and Career Transitions

In your forties, many womxn find themselves at a crossroads, reflecting on their career paths and preparing for potential transitions.

Reassess Financial Goals: Take stock of your financial goals and adjust your plan accordingly. Consider working with a certified financial planner (CFP) who specializes in helping womxn navigate mid-life financial transitions.

Focus on Debt Management: Prioritize paying off high-interest debt, such as credit card debt or student loans. Websites like NerdWallet offer tools and calculators to help you create a debt repayment plan.

Diversify Investments: As you approach retirement, shift your investment strategy towards more conservative options to protect your wealth. Websites like Morningstar provide valuable insights and analysis to help you make informed investment decisions.

Ages 50-60: Preparing for Retirement and Empty Nest

In your fifties, retirement looms closer, and the empty nest phase brings new financial opportunities and challenges.

Catch-Up Contributions: Take advantage of catch-up contributions to retirement accounts, allowing you to contribute additional funds beyond the standard limits. Consult with a financial advisor to maximize your retirement savings.

Downsize and Simplify: Consider downsizing your home and simplifying your lifestyle to reduce expenses and free up funds for retirement savings. Websites like Zillow and Realtor.com can help you explore housing options.

Healthcare Planning: Investigate long-term care insurance options to protect your assets and ensure access to quality healthcare in retirement. Websites like AARP offer resources and guidance on healthcare planning for seniors.

Ages 60-70: Enjoying Retirement and Leaving a Legacy

In your sixties, retirement becomes a reality, and it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor while also considering your legacy.

Create a Legacy Plan: Work with an estate planning attorney to create a comprehensive estate plan that outlines your wishes for asset distribution and end-of-life care. Websites like LegalZoom offer affordable estate planning services.

Stay Informed: Stay informed about changes in tax laws, healthcare policies, and retirement benefits that may impact your financial plan. Websites like CNBC and Forbes provide up-to-date news and analysis on financial matters.

Embrace Financial Independence: Celebrate your financial independence and use your resources to support causes that align with your values. Websites like Charity Navigator can help you find reputable organizations to support.

Financial planning is not just about numbers; it’s about empowerment, autonomy, and freedom. By taking control of our finances at every stage of life, women can break barriers, shatter glass ceilings, and pave the way for a more equitable future. So, let’s embrace our financial power and build a brighter tomorrow, one investment at a time.

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