
Client Feature Friday: Empowering Boudoir Experience at 50

Client Feature Friday: Empowering Boudoir Experience at 50

Jezebel VonZephyr loves to shine a spotlight on womxn of every age and size. We live to connect with each client; and we pride ourselves on holding space for each of them so we can hear their stories and capture their unique spirit. We believe that every session is special in its own way, and we want to share that magic with the world. On Fridays we shine a spotlight on a client so they can share a part of their story.

This client had been wanting to book a session for the longest time. She found her 30 seconds of bravery and went ahead and booked that session! Discover her empowering journey of embracing self-love and confidence through a transformative boudoir session. At nearly 50, she shares her emotional and uplifting experience of feeling accepted and beautiful in her own skin. From nervous excitement to joyful tears, learn how this empowering boudoir experience changed her perspective and helped her appreciate what everyone else sees.

Age: almost 50!

 Where are you from? Redmond, WA.  Live in SF NOW

What are three words you’d use to describe yourself? FUNNY, Nature Lover, Really nice

Is this your first Jezebel shoot? If not how many have you had? Yes!!!

Why did you decide to book a session with JVZ? I’ve been wanting to do it for a LONG TIME!! I’m almost 50 and decided “FUCK IT! Let’s do it!! I’ve struggled with body image almost my entire life. I’m FINALLY at a point where I am more loving and accepting the sweetness in the “softness”. 

 How did you feel before your shoot?  Excited and nervous!  

How was your session? What was your favorite part? Better than I ever could have dreamed of! From the moment I walked in until I left it felt like a dream! I have never felt so safe, fully accepted in all my flaws. They way they girls took care of me was top notch! It’s difficult to pinpoint one specific Moment that was my favorite!! Literally ALL OF IT! I haven’t stopped thinking about it! It was so empowering and impactful at one point I didn’t even care about the pictures! It was the EXPERIENCE that mattered

What was your favorite look from your session? Why? The pink ruffles and Prada lightning bolt shoes! For obvious reasons!! I loved that look because the outfit was PERFECT for number one!! I felt the sexiest! I loved the room! I love pink! I love the shoes!! I felt FREE! I felt like me!

 How are you feeling since your session? EMPOWERED!!!! I see myself in a new light!  The way I speak to myself is so much nicer! I feel healthy and strong! 

How was your reveal? I cried and cried. And then I cried some more! The most beautiful, happiest tears I’ve ever cried!! I couldn’t believe that was ME!!! I felt like a model!!! My face literally hurt from smiling so BIG for so long!!!! 

Any advice for anyone thinking of booking a session with JVZ? Stop thinking and start booking!! If you have a hint of doing it, I’m here to tell you, you will be so happy you did!


Booking a boudoir session is more than just a photo shoot; it’s an empowering experience that can transform how you see yourself. Whether you’re approaching a milestone age or simply seeking to see yourself as others do, a boudoir session offers a journey of self-love, body positivity, and personal empowerment. Imagine feeling accepted and celebrated in all your softness, experiencing a boost in self-confidence, and cherishing the joyful memories of your transformation. Like this client, take the leap, celebrate yourself, and discover the incredible strength within you. Book your boudoir session today and start your own empowering journey towards self-love and confidence. You’ll be so glad you did!

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