
Client Feature Friday: A Scientist Sparkles and Shines!

Client Feature Friday: A Scientist Sparkles and Shines!

Jezebel VonZephyr loves to shine a spotlight on womxn of every age and size. We live to connect with each client; and we pride ourselves on holding space for each of them so we can hear their stories and capture their unique spirit. We believe that every session is special in its own way, and we want to share that magic with the world. On Fridays we shine a spotlight on a client so they can share a part of their story.


Today we hear from a womxn who just experienced JVZ for the first time! She came in with the encouragement and support of her spouse and was hoping to feel empowered and maybe even a little euphoric during and after her session. How did her first photo shoot go? Read on the hear her story!

Age: 39


Where are you from?  I am originally from Connecticut!


What is your theme song? It depends on what’s going on in my life! I’m very much a musicals and soundtrack obsessed person so I’ve built a soundtrack for my life.  The best overall, however, is Rule the World by TheFatRat and AleXa.   “Dragons at the gate, they won’t stop us. Getting to the top, flying into space like a rocket never giving up…”

What are three words you’d use to describe yourself? Creative, musical, scientist. 


Is this your first Jezebel shoot? If not, how many have you had? This is my very first and I had SUCH a blast!!


Why did you decide to book a session with JVZ? My wife strongly encouraged me to sign up and commit to the photo shoot. While I’m sure she will enjoy the benefits of some VERY sexy pictures of me, she also wants me to feel at home and empowered in my body. We’ve both been on different body dysmorphia journeys and she wants me to feel the same euphoria she does.

How did you feel before your shoot? A little nervous, but more anxious to make sure I had packed everything I wanted to bring! 



How was your session? What was your favorite part? My session was a blast. It was a friday morning appointment and the weather was REALLY nice for midwinter.


I enjoyed the primping and pampering getting ready for the shoot.


I typically don’t fuss with my hair or even wear makeup but I felt like a million dollars.

What was your favorite look from your session? Why? My favorite are the pictures where I’m lying on the bed SURROUNDED by dice. My hair and my eyes are SO vivid and glorious. It’s amazing. 


How are you feeling since your session? It’s been a few months, but I do keep the gallery page saved in my browser tabs on my phone so I can look at them whenever I need a pick me up.

Did you bring anything special with you to the studio? Why? Oh boy get ready for an essay! 


I had a couple of ideas in mind when I signed up for pictures. I wanted to capture a couple different parts of myself in the photos. Namely, I wanted something that represented me as a scientist, I wanted something that reflected my nerd side with DnD and in general I wanted to feel like a goddess.


So to that end, I brought a lab coat and a PLETHORA of laboratory supplies including petri dishes with agar, inoculating loops, parafilm, glass bottles, gloves and safety glasses.


I also brought a classic Ren Faire outfit that I had purchased just for the photo shoot but could forsee using for future faires, pirate festivals and DnD character cosplay. I also wanted to bring a crown that I won at a horse show in 2023 when I was crowned Dressage Queen because I was judged the most Matchy Matchy at the “World’s Worst Dressage Show”.


Finally, I brought ALL of my dice. All of it. When you see memes of dice collectors, I am the dice goblin, I need all the shiny math rocks.


I am a crow. I collect sparkles. 

How was your reveal? My reveal appointment was lovely. I just wish my internet could buffer fast enough to keep up with the slide show! It was mostly pixelated so I missed a lot of detail until we went back through slowly. 


Any advice for anyone thinking of booking a session with JVZ? JVZ is amazing at boosting your confidence.


The entire shoot is a giant hype session where your photographer and makeup artist help you see your beauty!


Anyone walking into that appointment is going to come out feeling like they’ve never seen themselves the way these folks see you. It’s so wonderful. 

A JVZ photo shoot can be all about capturing the different sides of who you are as a unique individual.

Do you want to celebrate your nerdy side? Or perhaps you want to let your inner queen out. Maybe you want to explore your sensual side? Whatever you wish to see and celebrate, Jezebel VonZephyr can help make that happen!

Give yourself permission to play and see more sides to the sparkling diamond that you are! Book your session today. You’ll thank yourself later!

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