Jezebel VonZephyr loves to shine a spotlight on womxn of every age and size. We live to connect with each client; and we pride ourselves on holding space for each of them so we can hear their stories and capture their unique spirit. We believe that every session is special in its own way, and we want to share that magic with the world. On Fridays we shine a spotlight on a client so they can share a part of their story.
When her best friend shared details about her session, our Belle this week knew she wanted to see for herself the power of the Jezebel studio. In this Client Feature Friday, we hear about the self-affirming experience this outgoing and playful woman found during her first session!
Age (only if you want to disclose it):
Where are you from?
What are three words you’d use to describe yourself?
Why did you decide to book a session with JVZ?
How did you feel before your shoot?
What was your favorite look from your session? Why?
How are you feeling since your session?
How was your reveal?
This client’s story really shows how magical a boudoir photoshoot can be in boosting body positivity and embracing who you truly are. Her session with JVZ wasn’t just about taking beautiful photos; it was a safe, supportive space where she could really celebrate her journey and express her true self.
Do you want to find our own inner Goddess? Are you searching for some self-affirmation? Maybe you’re ready to just give yourself the beautiful gift of making time just for you!? If you’re feeling inspired by this client’s experience, why not book a session for yourself? It’s a chance to see yourself in a new light and unlock a whole new level of empowerment. Go for it—your future self will thank you!
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