
BodyTalks: Tushy Thursday is Here!

BodyTalks: Tushy Thursday is Here!

Hello Sweet cheeks!

At Jezebel, we celebrate you. This encompasses every facet of who you are – who WE all are. We show you ways to see yourself through the lens of unconditional love, and we understand that some days it’s easy to appreciate ourselves, and other times it can be more of a challenge.ย 

This is where we want to flip the script and really talk about what our bodies can do for us. Honest discussions can lead to acceptance, and acceptance can open our eyes to the possibilities of love.ย 

Thursdays bring with it a whole lot of beautiful butts! As part of our ongoing Body Talks series, we’ll be showcasing some of our favorite images where hineys are the star! Jezebel wants to discuss the challenges we face with often disliked parts of our bodies and hopefully turn those conversations towards ones of appreciation.ย 

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On thursdays we have tush galore!

Loving your butt starts with embracing its unique shape, curve, and size. My body is different from your body, and your body is different from that of your closest friend, co-worker or the barista at your favorite coffee stand –ย  and guess what, every one of us is beautiful! From soft, rounded curves to a firmer, athletic build and the self-proclaimed “flat pancake” there is beauty and life in every shape!

Itโ€™s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others, but when we shift our perspective and begin to appreciate what makes our bodies our own, this is where we begin having positive relationships with our bodies.

Like every other part of us, our butts deserve to be celebrated for their strength, grace, and ability to carry us through life.

In case no one has told you today...nice butt!

“I hope your day is as nice as your butt”โ€”and truly, thatโ€™s the energy we should carry with us every day. Our bodies, in all their variety, deserve this kind of love. Theyโ€™re not just the sum of their parts; theyโ€™re the home we live in, and the tool that lets us experience the world.

Learning to see our buttโ€”and every part of our bodyโ€”as something worth loving is part of the journey that begins with understanding and progresses through to acceptance before shifting to appreciation and even love.

Whether appreciating our natural curves, working to build strength, or simply taking a moment to acknowledge how amazing your body is, remember that itโ€™s about progress, not perfection.

ย Your body, with all its unique features, is perfectly you, and thatโ€™s something worth celebrating. โ™ฅ

Are you feeling inspired by our topics? What would you like to see more of?ย 

Do you want to be part of the conversation? We’d love to hear from you!ย Your ideas, opinions, tips, favorite affirmations and more can be featured in some of our upcoming themes and discussions, so head on over to our socials and let us know your thoughts!

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