
Client Feature Friday: Accepting Herself, Empowering Others!

Client Feature Friday: Accepting Herself, Empowering Others!

Jezebel VonZephyr loves to shine a spotlight on womxn of every age and size. We live to connect with each client; and we pride ourselves on holding space for each of them so we can hear their stories and capture their unique spirit.


Each Friday we give a client the space to tell their story. Today we dive deeper into one client’s journey. She’s had a few shoots since 2021 and has had so much fun that she became a Brand Ambassador this year! She’s excited to share how things have changed since her first shoot, so read on to hear more from this badass!

Age: 35


How many sessions have you done? I have had a total of three sessions so far!! 



When was your first one? My first session was August 20, 2021 and my most recent shoot was April 8th of this year at the country house! 



What was your relationship with yourself like before you did a JVZ session? My relationship with myself wasn’t the greatest before doing a JVZ session! I thought I was too big and didn’t care for my stomach!!

What did you love about yourself prior to stepping into the studio? The part I loved about myself prior to my sessions was my hair when it was long!



How would you describe your experience with JVZ? I would describe my experience with JVZ as outstanding, breathtaking and absolutely amazing!!



The support you get for being yourself and not being judged is absolutely astonishing!!



I have had a total of three sessions. At the first one I was nervous and anxious going in, which is completely normal!  With my second and third sessions I felt more loose and I was risky in the majority of my photos. 

What was the most challenging thing about your first session? The most challenging thing about my first session was that I didn’t know what to expect or how I would feel during my session. The other challenge was the confidence that I wasn’t showing in the beginning.


Did anything change for you after you saw yourself through the Jezebel lens of love? Yes! I saw what everyone else sees as far as the person I am today!


I was mesmerized at how I looked and how it made me feel!!

Did you challenge any of your previously held beliefs about yourself, your body, self-love and/or self-care after your Jezebel experience? To be honest, I have not challenged my previously held beliefs about myself or my after my Jezebel experience!! I should most definitely start challenging myself on these things!!! 



How did your relationship with your body change after your session? The relationship with my body definitely changed after my first session; I started accepting my body as it is!! Even though I still cannot stand my tummy area, I’m learning to accept it. It’s a work in progress!

What does self-love mean to you? And has Jezebel helped you with how you define it?  Yes, Jezebel has helped me with how I define it! What self-love means to me now is caring about who I am, and wanting to change for myself!



What do you love most about yourself now that you’ve done at least one session and some processing?


What I love most about myself now that I’ve done a session is that I have realized that I am beautiful no matter what!! No matter how I dress or how I feel, I am who I am and I accept myself!!

Has your self-care changed at all since doing a JVZ shoot? How do you take care of yourself? Yes, definitely my self-care has changed since my shoots! I take care of myself now by doing some self-development, such as sending happy birthdays wishes to friends, listening to audible books and just being in my own little world!!


How do you hope to continue growing and nurturing your relationship with yourself and your body moving forward? I hope to continue growing and nurturing my relationship by taking selfies and also by seeing how amazing I look.


I also want to help empower others as well!!

If you could go back and give past you any advice before your first session, what would you say to her?


I would say to her, “you are a beautiful woman inside and out no matter what other people have said!! You got this! You’re a strong, beautiful, amazing, and outstanding woman!!”



Anything else you would like to share about your journey and/or Jezebel experience(s)? My journey began on August 20th, 2021 with my first session so I’ve been on this journey for two years and I wouldn’t change it for the world! And my new journey just began as a Brand Ambassador for 2023, so I’m excited to see what happens! 

Does this Belle’s story of self-acceptance resonate with you?


Are you looking to nurture and grow your relationship with yourself? Then why not book a session with Jezebel VonZephyr? We want to help you see yourself in new, loving, and remarkable ways. What are you waiting for? The next step in your journey of self-love awaits! 

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