
Client Feature Friday: Comic Con Cosplay Comes to Life!

Client Feature Friday: Comic Con Cosplay Comes to Life!

Jezebel VonZephyr loves to shine a spotlight on womxn of every age and size. We live to connect with each client; and we pride ourselves on holding space for each of them so we can hear their stories and capture their unique spirit. We believe that every session is special in its own way, and we want to share that magic with the world. On Fridays we shine a spotlight on a client so they can share a part of their story.


Today we feature a client that we met at Emerald City Comic Con. She wanted to let her inner fangirl shine, so naturally she came in for a Project Fan Girl session! Her cosplay was simply divine–as you’ll see throughout this post!

Where are you from? Tacoma, Washington



Is this your first Jezebel shoot? If not, how many have you had? Yes, this was my first session.



Why did you decide to book a session with JVZ? I had always wanted to do a cosplay type  of photoshoot, but I have never been very photogenic. I lost about 50 lbs and got a breast reduction this year. I was finally feeling comfortable in my body. So I decided to give it a shot for my husband’s birthday.

How did you feel before your shoot? Awkward. I don’t get photographed often and I didn’t really know what to expect. I had a very “I don’t know what to do with my hands” moment.


How was your session? What was your favorite part? It was great. I got very comfortable very quickly.


I loved when they put me in the plants with the smoke.


It helped me really channel my Poison Ivy character and it was very fun!

What was your favorite look from your session? Why? Poison Ivy. Even though I spent way more time on the Triss costume, my Poison Ivy costume made me feel very confident and sexy.



The very Poison Ivy themed set helped as well!

Did you bring anything special with you to the studio? Why? My costumes. I made most of the pieces of the costumes myself and they were hours upon hours of time and effort.


It felt so fun to embrace these characters while still being able to embrace my authentic self.



How was your reveal? I was really surprised and impressed. My whole life I have been very unphotogenic and it’s been so hard because I don’t dislike the person I see in the mirror but I rarely love the person I see reflected back in pictures, but the opposite happened in my reveal.


There were so many that I was genuinely happy with, where I felt beautiful.

Any advice for anyone thinking of booking a session with JVZ? It’s totally normal to feel like it’s going to be awkward but it is shockingly not. They are incredible about making you feel so comfortable and beautiful.


It was a really fun experience and I am very glad to have done it, not just as a birthday present to my husband, but for myself. It helps though that my husband still uses one of the photos as the background of his phone–that just feels good!

Are you aching to channel your inner fangirl? Or maybe you just want to see yourself in a different light? Whatever your reason, Jezebel VonZephyr is here to support you and help you feel like your best self!


We have limited availability this fall and are booking into the winter, so act fast to secure your session. We can’t wait to see how you shine!

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