
Affirmations for Dark(er) Days

Affirmations for Dark(er) Days

Uuuugh. The worst part of autumn is upon us: darker days thanks to the end of Daylight Saving Time. The Jezebel team would like to invite DST (and the beginning and end of it and the whole entire concept of it) to suck it because we miss the sun and longer days of light. And we’re pretty sure a lot of you are feeling that way, too. 


Darker days can be hard to navigate. We have less energy. We’re more sleepy. We might be more grumpy. Life just generally feels…harder. And so, we come to you today with an offering of some affirmations. In the hopes that they might help you to feel lighter or bring you a little spark during these short, dark days.

I am doing my best and that is enough. 



I light up the world when I do things I love. 



I am worthy of light. I am worthy of feeling lightness within. 

I prioritize myself and my needs. 



I am grateful for the opportunity to rest.

Rest fuels my body, mind, soul, and creativity. 



I honor the pace of my body.

The shorter days give me the chance to slow down and go within. 



I deserve to cultivate a deeper relationship with myself and cherish that gift. 



I am worthy of a meaningful, healing relationship with myself.

I embrace hope, even when it feels dark. 



I forgive myself and allow myself to move forward with grace and hope.

I listen to my body and give it what it needs. 



I am exactly where I need to be.



The world needs my light.

The days may be shorter, but we know that you will light up the world with all that you are in your own authentic and unique ways. We are honored to witness that and here to cheer you on the days when you need a reminder of how worthy and amazing you are. 


And if you need some extra love and light during these darker days? Book a session with us. It’s not only great self-care, it’ll help you remember who you are.


In the meantime, remember that the darker days won’t last forever.


You got this.


Shine on, beautiful.

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